This e-news issue features our 12 January Nepal Celebration to announce Nepal Maharishi Foundation’s 2021 New Year Resolutions (Sankalps).
For over 50 years, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi marked January 12th as a traditional day of celebration for his worldwide Transcendental Meditation (TM) organization. Achievements of the previous year are reviewed with a look forward to the coming new year as a renewed opportunity to more boldly advance Maharishi’s consciousness-based programs to bring enlightenment to every individual and peace and prosperity to our whole world family.
This year, Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) and Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC), celebrated together at the Vastu Bhavan TM Center in Kathmandu along with Maharishi Invincibility Centers (TM centers) worldwide.
Deepak Baskota and Minraj Adhikari organized Nepal’s celebrations with fruits, flowers, Guru Puja, and 2021 Pledges (Sankalps). A few Sankalpas were:
- Deepak Baskota pledged to promote the benefits of TM so that more Nepalis can enjoy better health, less anxiety, and more success in life. Mr. Baskota’s 2021 goal is to have 1% of Nepal’s population practising the TM technique twice per day.
- Minraj Adhikari pledged to expand Consciousness-based Education (CBE) programs from 3000 students to 5000 students and fulfill his duties as CBE Director.
- Dilli Adhikari, Gurukul National Manager, pledged to insure that our 2500 Maharishi Vedic Pandits perfect their daily routine, Dinacharya. Dilli also pledged to expand the number of young Pandits in our Gurukul program to 4000 Pandits.
- TM Teacher Jagat Prasad Upahdyay in western Nepal, pledged to establish one Gurukul in each district of Nepal Provinces 6 and 7.
- Gurukul Supervisor Vishnu Prasad Poudel said that 2020 was a challenging year because of lockdown and restrictions but in 2021 he and his colleages will work with more focus to expand the teaching of TM in the Gurukuls and fulfill Chairman Baskota’s Sankalp to teach TM to 1% of Nepal’s population.
Now, 54 years later, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique is mainstream: practiced by more than 6 million people of all ages, nationalities, religions, and offered in businesses, schools, military bases, hospitals and prisons. And, as Maharishi foresaw, the benefits of the technique extend to all areas of life, including education, healthcare, business, rehabilitation and the military.
Our big thanks to all those who practice Transcendental Meditation and transcend each day. Because the Transcendental field of life is the source of all order, affluence, positivity, and unity; when this field is experienced daily in meditation it neutralizes negativity and creates the basis for a brighter future. All gratitude to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who offered his Transcendental Meditation technique as a simple, natural way to live the fullness of life.
Remember…Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel!
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