What is the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique?
It is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It’s not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. It’s the most widely practiced, most researched, and most effective method of self-development.

What happens when you practice the TM technique?
The Transcendental Meditation technique allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought—pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness, or the unified field. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness—your innermost Self. In this state of restful alertness, your brain functions with significantly greater coherence and your body gains deep rest.

How many people practice the TM technique? 
More than five million people worldwide have learned this simple, natural technique—people of all ages, cultures, and religions—making it one of the most popular of all meditation techniques.

How much scientific research has been done on the TM technique? 
The TM technique is the most widely researched of all meditation techniques. Over 600 research studies have been conducted at more than 250 universities and research centers (including Harvard, UCLA, and Stanford). These studies have been published in more than 100 journals.

Where did the TM technique come from? 
The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years. About 50 years ago, Maharishi, the representative in our age of the Vedic tradition, introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world thereby restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness at this critical time for humanity. When we teach the Transcendental Meditation technique today, we maintain the same procedures used by teachers thousands of years ago for maximum effectiveness.

How is the TM technique different from other meditation techniques?
There are many forms of meditation, with many goals. Other practices most often involve some concentration or control of the mind and others involve contemplation, thinking about something. These practices keep the mind engaged in some way, for example, by focusing on an object or on something like your breath. Others keep us aware of thoughts, or images. These practices keep the mind active in some way on the surface thinking level. TM allows the mind to simply, naturally and effortlessly transcend thinking and to experience a deep state of restfully alert consciousness. The holistic benefits that have been found to result from the practice of the TM technique are the automatic result of this unique experience.

Can TM be learned from a book?
Learning Transcendental Meditation requires personal instruction from a certified teacher of the TM programme. Every person is different, and TM teachers have been trained to provide the correct instruction at each step of the process.

To ensure maximum effectiveness, the Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in the same systematic way used by teachers thousands of years ago.

Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary  of the Wellspring Neurology at Scripps Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California explains: “The TM technique is unique among forms of meditation. It’s natural and effortless, but requires personal instruction to learn. Imagine trying to learn a natural golf stroke from a book. Or if you have ever learned to play a musical instrument, you know how helpful it is to have a good teacher. The teacher is needed to show you proper technique, so you can grow in confidence that you’re proceeding along correctly. Learning the TM technique is a lot easier than mastering the piano or getting a good, natural golf swing, but involves the same kind of personalized guidance.”—Kulreet Chaudhary, MD

What are the 10 most important things to know about TM?

1. Simple: The Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple, effortless mental process practiced for 15-20 minutes twice a day, sitting quietly and comfortably in a chair with the eyes closed.

2. Easily learned: The Transcendental Meditation technique can be easily learned by anyone and is enjoyable to practice.

3. Immediate benefits: The benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique are immediate and increase over time. The technique’s positive effects—for mind, body and relationships—have been verified by hundreds of research studies conducted at top medical schools and published in over 350 peer-reviewed scientific journals.

4. No belief required: The Transcendental Meditation technique does not involve belief. In fact, you can be thoroughly skeptical and the technique will still be fully effective.

5. Develops the total brain: Brain research shows that the Transcendental Meditation technique develops the total brain, increasing creativity and intelligence and improving decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

6. Not a lifestyle: The Transcendental Meditation technique is not a religion or philosophy and involves no change in lifestyle.

7. Reduces stress and high blood pressure: Medical school research funded by the National Institutes of Health shows that the Transcendental Meditation technique is the most effective mind-body practice for reducing stress and stress-related disorders, including hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke and atherosclerosis.

8. Unique: The Transcendental Meditation technique is unlike any other form of meditation or self-development—in practice and results. The technique is distinguished by its naturalness, effortlessness and profound effectiveness.

9. Systematic instruction: The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught by certified teachers through a systematic course of personalized instruction and includes extensive follow-up and support, ensuring that everyone who learns gains maximum benefit.

10. Nonprofit organization: The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught through a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization. The organization’s goal is to develop the full potential of the individual, minimize the negative impact of stress, and bring unrestricted and fulfilling progress to all areas of society.

Free Introductory Lectures for General Public

The Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation offers free Introductory Lectures on the Transcendental Meditation technique at five (5) locations listed below.  This free Introductory Lecture is the first step in the easy and enjoyable 7-step course. If you want to participate please find a TM center near you to Sign Up  or send us message at: or call these locations:

Locations for free Introductory Lectures on the TM technique:  

  • Khumaltar—Certiified TM Teacher Mr. Madhav Aryal —Mobile: 9841489726—Lecture held every Saturday morning at 8:00pm. Please call to reserve your seat at this introductory lecture
  • Anamnagar—Certiified TM Teachers Mr. and Mrs. Minraj & Bimla Adhikari—Mobile: 9851003894—Lecture held every Friday evening at 4:00pm. Please call to reserve your seat at this free introductory lecture
  • Buddhanagar GMDO Center—Certiified TM Teacher Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire—Mobile: 9851040702— Please call for date and time and to reserve your seat at this free introductory lecture
  • Bhaktapur—Certified TM Teachers Mr. and Mrs. Suman and Kalpana Giri—Mobile: 9841215460— Please call for date and time and to reserve your seat at this free introductory lecture
  • Thasikhel, Maharishi Vastu Bhavan—Certiified TM Teachers Mr. and Mrs. Minraj & Bimla Adhikari—Mobile: 9851003894—Please call to reserve your seat at this free introductory lecture

Group Practice of TM and Advanced Lecture Session for people who have learned TM

The Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation offers everyone, who practises the TM technique, the opportunity to enjoy the group practise of TM. Group practise of TM allows for a deeper and more profound experience of inner wakefulness due to the effect of group coherence.

Global TM Group Meditation Day—

Each month our International Organization announces a “Global TM Group Meditation Day” for our 10 million TM Meditators across the globe who are enjoying the many life-transforming benefits of this Transcending technology (TM Practise).  The Global TM Group Meditation Day schedule is:

  • Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018 – Nationwide Group Meditation
  • Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018 – All-Americas Group Meditation

DON’T MISS IT! If you want to participate, please confirm via email: Visit us on Facebook page for recent updates:

After the group practice of TM, our TM Teacher will give an advanced lecture, featuring recorded talks by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. You can also ask questions to the TM teacher and discuss your experiences.