Enjoy our Nepal Conferences, Celebrations, and Events— 2008 to Present

Tilingatar Secondary School inaugurates new Maharishi Vastu TM & TM-Sidhis program building in Maharajgunj, Kathmandu

International Ayurveda Congress, to be held in Kathmandu, 19-21 November, 2021
The All India Ayurvedic Congress, the International Academy of Ayurveda, and the International Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation, Netherlands, invite all medical and health professionals to the 6th International Ayurveda Congress which will take place in Kathmandu, Nepal,...

Mr. Deepak Prakash Baskota, Nepal National Director, awarded honorary Doctoral Degree, Maharishi University of Management
On June 22, Deepak Baskota, former member of Parliament and Minister for Home Affairs in Nepal, was honored at the MUM Commencement Exercises and awarded an Honorary PHD for his work leading Nepal's Transcendental Meditation organization. He is also the founder of the...

Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements
On Tuesday, May 7, Nepal Foundation Chairman Deepak Baskota, organized a grand celebration on Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements. This day is one of the most important days in the Vedic Calendar. According to the Vedic texts, this was the day when the...

International Conference on Vedic Science and Modern Science March 1-3, 2019
The Vedic Science and Modern Science theme was that together we can re-establish life in harmony with Natural Law thereby creating a Vedic civilization where peace, progress, and prosperity belong to all the people. Vedic Scholars and renowned Scientists from around...

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF), completes Maharishi Vastu Peace Palace for its Foundation Offices in Kathmandu

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) sponsors Leadership Seminar for Nepal Businessmen and Businesswomen
Seminar led by MUM Visiting Professor, Jim Bagnola.

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) co-sponsors International Conference on Ayurveda and Holistic Healing
Vaidyas (Ayurvedic Doctors) from Nepal and India attended the one-day Conference as well as Lothar Pirc, Director of successful Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center in Germany, running now for 25 years.

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) held a 10-day Seminar on Consciousness-Based Education (CBE) with Tilingatar High School (THS) Faculty and Principal Saroj Pandey

7-day Seminar on Vedic Education with Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU) Faculty
Organized by Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF). This seminal course was led by MUM Physics Faculty Dr. Ashley Deans

Seminar on Vedic Education with Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU) Leaders
Featured speakers were NSU Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Kul Prasad Koirala, NMVF Chairman Deepak Baskota, Maharishi University of Management (MUM) Director of Expansion Dr. Bill Goldstein, MUM Faculty for Vedic Agriculture Dr. John Konhaus.

Publication of special books (translated into Nepali), announced by Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF)
These books highlighting the life of Swami Brahmanada Saraswati of Jyotir Math (Guru Dev) and contain quotes of Guru Dev about life and Enlightenment.

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) celebrates Guru Purnima Day. “Na Guror Adhikam—Nothing is greater that the Guru”

Tilingatar High School Community celebrates the Announcement to build Maharishi Vastu TM-Sidhi Program Hall at their school site in Thapasi, Kathmandu

NMVF Chairman Deepak Baskota organized Organic Trade Fair and Conference featuring local Nepali organic farmers and International Experts on Vedic Organic Agriculture

Ground-breaking at Manakamana Gurukul in Banganga, organized by Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture

Raja of India, Raja Harris Kaplan, welcomed by Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC) to Kathmandu Center

Acharya training Courses for Nepal Maharishi Vedic Pandits, conducted by Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC)

Annual meeting of Gurukul (Pandit School) Leaders conducted by Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC)

Annual January 12 Celebration in honor of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Organized by Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF). Special speakers include Dr. Bill Goldstein, MIU legal counsel and Faculty, and Rinpoche Chogyal.

Nepal Global Mother Divine Organization helps deliver food after Earthquake

First Consciousness Based Education Course for Educators at Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya (SAMV)

Akshaya Tritiya Day Celebration at Kathmandu Center for Transcendental Meditation

Jyotish Mati Vidya Peeth Inauguration of Maharishi Vastu School in Dang

First Teacher Training Course for Nepalis

Dr. John Hagelin, renowned Physicist, speaks to Nepal Scientists in Kathmandu

Lothar Pirc, Maharishi Ayurveda Expert from Germany, speaks at gathering in Nawalparasi to over 10,000 participants at large Yagya

Annual January 12 Celebration in honor of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi organized by Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF)

Lothar Pirc, Maharishi Ayurveda Expert from Germany, speaks at First TM Seminar entitled, “Building High Performance People”

UN Talk Programme
The Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation participated in a programme organized in co-operation with the United Nations, to celebrate Human Rights Day 2011, supported by the United Nations Youth and Student Association - Nepal and the National UNESCO Youth Association -...

International conference on Maharishi Vastu Architecture
International conference on Maharishi Vastu Architecture was held in Kathmandu and attended by 50 city planners, architects, and builders. Special guest speaker from the Global Country of World Peace Maharishi Vastu architect Wojtek Skalski.

Meeting with High Level Dignitaries of Nepal
International Guest along with National NMVF Team meets President Ram Baran Yadhav—September 2010.International Guests along with Chairman Mr. Baskota briefs Former PM Lokendra Bahadur Chand about Maharishi's Programs in Nepal—2009. Maharishi Vedic Pandits Reciting...

International Conference on Consciousness Based Education
International Guests with Honorable National Guest Speaker Participants of the Program Participant asks question to International SpeakerInternational Guests speaker with participants of the program Honorable Guest Speaker Narendra Kumar Kerung addresses the program...

International Agriculture and Education Conferences
In year 2010, Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation organized international conferences on Agriculture and Education. Conferences featured international experts in Agriculture and Education from the United States, The Netherlands, South Africa, India, and from the host...