Maharishi Vastu architecture ensures that a building or community will have only nourishing influences on its occupants.
Our FIRST Maharishi Vastu Building was completed in 2014 in the Dang region of Nepal. Over 850 students at the Jyotishmati Vidhyapeeth School are practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program each day in addition to their regular classes. (See photo 1 below.)
Our SECOND Maharishi Vastu Peace Palace was completed in May 2018. This building is home to our Nepal Foundations and one of four locations where we offer the TM program. Many government and business leaders have enjoyed meeting and working in this Maharishi Vastu Buildling which includes offices, two apartments, and a guest floor.
(See photo 2 below.)
Our THIRD Maharishi Vastu Building is almost complete and the first two floors are already being used by students at Tilingatar Government School (THS) who practice the TM and TM-Sidhi program. Thanks to generous international donors and the government of Nepal, students at THS and community members are enjoying the nourishing and coherent influences of Maharishi Vastu.
(See photo 3 below.)
Our FOURTH Maharishi Vastu Buildling project will be completed in six months. This project is a campus with five buildings to house 400 Maharishi Vedic Pandits.
(See photo 4 below.)

Photo 1 – Jyotishmati Vidhyapeeth School, Dang

Photo 2 – Maharishi Vastu Bhavan—Kathmandu

Photo 3 – Tilingatar Government School TM & TM-Sidhis Program Hall, Kathmandu

Photo 4 – Pandit Campus for 400 Maharishi Vedic Pandits, Kathmandu