MUM Graduate Hagen Rainbow and Hospitality Industry professional Jenna De Freitas, are now in Kathmandu volunteering for the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF).
Hagen graduated from Maharishi School and holds an MUM M.S. degree in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. In addition, Hagen attended medical school at the American University of Integrative Sciences in Barbados.
Jenna holds an M.B.A. degree with a specialization in Business & Hotel Management.
Hagen and Jenna are working to bring Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s complete program for perfect heath to Nepal.
Hagen and Jenna giving a presentation at Ganeshman Singh Hospital to Doctors and Nurses

Hagen giving a presentation to 400 students at Bhaktipur Military School

Hagen and Jenna are also working with Bhupendra Nirajan, Director of Healing Herbs Nepal, a NMVF project started by MUM Faculty Dr. John Fagan.
Healing Herbs Nepal plants medicinal herbs and other organic products while maintaining Nepal’s biodiversity and improving the economic livelihood of local farmers.
In addition, Hagen and Jenna are working with the International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation (IMAVF)—a Platform for Maharishi AyurVeda Health Professionals and Supporters—to organize the 6th International Conference on AyurVeda to be held in Kathmandu, October, 2020.

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Hagen and Jenna have enjoyed their past three months in Nepal and have visited many historic areas such as Durbar Square in Patan.
“We are sincerely grateful to have this experience of living in Nepal, discovering its rich culture, spirituality and beauty. It has been truly inspiring working alongside wonderful, accomplished people such as, Drs. Kingsley and Leslie Brooks, Dr. Deepak Baskota and countless more.
Volunteering for these various projects to promote and improve the health, education, and well-being of Nepal is truly a rewarding journey for us and we are excited about the opportunities which lie ahead.” – Hagen and Jenna