Welcome to our January, 2020 newsletter and Happy New Year!
This e-news features the completion of Nepal’s first school building dedicated to the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program at Tilingatar Secondary School in Kathmandu.
On 29 December 2019, Principal Saroj Pandey and his school Team inaugurated their new 2000 sq.meter building for students to practice their daily TM and TM-Sidhi program including yogic flying. The festivities were attended by 1000’s of members of the community and school. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Sports, and Municipality Mayor spoke and appreciated Principal Saroj and his Team and also Deepak Baskota, Chairman of the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) for its donation from International Supporters.
The TSS students provided lively entertainment and the best Yogic Flyers received awards.
TSS is one of seven schools in Nepal where the TM technique has been of great benefit to the students and teachers. A Grade 8 girl said, “I have been two years now at the school and my parents admitted me here because of the special feature of TM. I had really high temper and made a bad impression on my friends. After a few weeks of TM I feel a soothing comfort and warm inside. My life has now a different quality and the best I can describe it is that life is simple and comfortable and easy and sweet and now I can control my temper.”
This is just one of many young students who are enjoying a better life in school and at home. The goal of NMVF is that all students can benefit from the TM practice so they can enjoy a life free from problems and suffering and live in a prosperous, healthy, and happy Nepal.