Nepal eNews for MIU Nepal Alumni – February 2021

Nepal eNews for MIU Nepal Alumni – February 2021

This e-news issue features two updates:

  • Newbiz Business Women Summit & Awards 2021
  • Global Family Farms & Healing Herbs Nepal Welcomes Two New Members

Newbiz Business Women Summit & Awards 2021—

Newbiz Buisiness Women Summit & Award 2021, empowering business leadership of Nepali women, recognized two Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) Board members: Ms. Shanta Baskota Koirala (see link: and Ms. Chandrakala Baskota (see link: They were honored for their leadership and contribution to the economic growth of Nepal and the important role of women in society.

Global Family Farms Welcomes Two New Members to its Team —
In January, 2021, Global Family Farms (GFF) and Healing Herbs Nepal (HHN) welcomed two new members to its Team. GFF and HHN are dedicated to creating economic opportunities for rural farmers through ethical, organic agriculture. Creating jobs for farmers allows them to stay home in the villages instead of being forced to work abroad. This helps keep families together and preserves local farming tradition while creating a supply of high-quality organic herbs spices and super foods for conscious consumers. (See link:

Our BIG WELCOME to Laurence and Nishchal —our future is bright!

Remember…Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel!
Please visit:

Nepal eNews for MIU Nepal Alumni – January 2021

Nepal eNews for MIU Nepal Alumni – January 2021

This e-news issue features our 12 January Nepal Celebration to announce Nepal Maharishi Foundation’s 2021 New Year Resolutions (Sankalps).

For over 50 years, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi marked January 12th as a traditional day of celebration for his worldwide Transcendental Meditation (TM) organization. Achievements of the previous year are reviewed with a look forward to the coming new year as a renewed opportunity to more boldly advance Maharishi’s consciousness-based programs to bring enlightenment to every individual and peace and prosperity to our whole world family.

This year, Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) and Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC), celebrated together at the Vastu Bhavan TM Center in Kathmandu along with Maharishi Invincibility Centers (TM centers) worldwide.
Deepak Baskota and Minraj Adhikari organized Nepal’s celebrations with fruits, flowers, Guru Puja, and 2021 Pledges (Sankalps). A few Sankalpas were:

  • Deepak Baskota pledged to promote the benefits of TM so that more Nepalis can enjoy better health, less anxiety, and more success in life. Mr. Baskota’s 2021 goal is to have 1% of Nepal’s population practising the TM technique twice per day.
  • Minraj Adhikari pledged to expand Consciousness-based Education (CBE) programs from 3000 students to 5000 students and fulfill his duties as CBE Director.
  • Dilli Adhikari, Gurukul National Manager, pledged to insure that our 2500 Maharishi Vedic Pandits perfect their daily routine, Dinacharya. Dilli also pledged to expand the number of young Pandits in our Gurukul program to 4000 Pandits.
  • TM Teacher Jagat Prasad Upahdyay in western Nepal, pledged to establish one Gurukul in each district of Nepal Provinces 6 and 7.
  • Gurukul Supervisor Vishnu Prasad Poudel said that 2020 was a challenging year because of lockdown and restrictions but in 2021 he and his colleages will work with more focus to expand the teaching of TM in the Gurukuls and fulfill Chairman Baskota’s Sankalp to teach TM to 1% of Nepal’s population.

Now, 54 years later, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique is mainstream: practiced by more than 6 million people of all ages, nationalities, religions, and offered in businesses, schools, military bases, hospitals and prisons. And, as Maharishi foresaw, the benefits of the technique extend to all areas of life, including education, healthcare, business, rehabilitation and the military.
Our big thanks to all those who practice Transcendental Meditation and transcend each day. Because the Transcendental field of life is the source of all order, affluence, positivity, and unity; when this field is experienced daily in meditation it neutralizes negativity and creates the basis for a brighter future. All gratitude to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who offered his Transcendental Meditation technique as a simple, natural way to live the fullness of life.
Remember…Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel!
Please visit:

Nepal eNews for MIU Nepal Alumni – December 2020

Nepal eNews for MIU Nepal Alumni – December 2020

This e-news issue features the expansion of Consciousness-Based Education (CBE) in Nepal.

Thanks to the dynamic leadership of Chintamani Yogi, Consciousness-Based Education(CBE) is expanding throughout Hindu Vidyapeeth (HVP) Schools. Chintamani Yogi is the founder of Hindu Vidyapeeth Schools, which promote value-based education and the essential human values of truth, love, peace, selfless service, and non-violence, around the world.
It is very timely that the school teachers and students in Chintamani’s wonderful schools begin the life-transforming Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. TM has been incorporated into 1000’s of schools across the globe and millions of students are more calm and enjoying greater academic achievements—and so Chintamani did not want his students to miss this opportunity!
Now after launching the first step in the CBE program, the teachers learning the TM technique, Chintamani realized that now he has the highest technology to fulfill the goals of his school and transform society by creating Enlightened students and teachers.
Minraj and Bimla Adhikari, Co-Directors of Consciousness-Based Education for our Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF), enjoyed teaching the TM technique to 50 school teachers at the Hindu Vidyapeeth Schools in Dang and Thali (Gokarna).

As soon as the schools open again in Nepal, Chintamani will organize for all his students to learn the TM technique allowing them to unfold their inner potential and enjoy a life free from problems and suffering.
Also in December, 2019, Chintamani visited MIU’s campus in Fairfield, Iowa and was surpised to find a campus where Self Knowledge and personal growth were integrated into the academic programs and campus life. Chintamani also enjoyed meeting many students from Nepal who were enolled in MIU’s degree programs.

Our Big Thanks to Chintamani Yogi for his tireless work to transform society through educating our children—our Future!

Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni – November 2020

Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni – November 2020

Online Transcendental Meditation Presentation—every week live on Facebook and via Zoom.
Samikchya Baskota, Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) Legal Counsel and Secretary along with Minraj Adhikari, Director of Consciousness-Based education for NMVF, invites each week all Nepali Citizens to learn about the life-transforming Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique.
The following topics were featured in October:

  • Transcendental Meditation and Mental Health
  • Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Consciousness
  • How Transcendental Meditation can normalize blood pressure
  • Meditation, Pranayama, and daily routine can improve immunity during pandemic

Over 50 people registered weekly to learn about the simple technology of Transcendental Meditation that has been shown repeatedly to bring relief from problems and suffering. Madhav Aryal, TM Teacher, precisely explained how TM works to create a deep state of rest in the physiology allowing the body to normalize and repair itself. In addition Madhav said, TM increases blood flow to the brain which improves all aspects of mental functioning.
One of the participants, Karunakar Joshi who had already learned TM and is a school teacher, expressed his happiness to connect with people who understand how transcending can awaken human potential. As a school teacher he hopes this technology can be made available to students and teachers in all educational systems. Mr. Joshi also suggested that all TM practitioners join together online for daily TM practice.

Remember…Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel!
Please visit:

We are happy to share this news with you—we will email again in December.
Until then our best regards and wishing you success, good health, and happiness!

The November-December issue of Nepal E-news

The November-December issue of Nepal E-news

Welcome to our November-December newsletter, featuring the International Ayurveda Congress, to be held in Kathmandu, 1-4 October, 2020.

The All India Ayurvedic Congress, the International Academy of Ayurveda, and the International Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation, Netherlands, invite all medical and health professionals to the 6th International Ayurveda Congress which will take place in Kathmandu, Nepal, for the first time in Asia.

The Congress will be held at the exclusive five-star hotel in Nepal, the Crowne Plaza Soaltee. Come and enjoy the company of renowned Ayurveda experts gathering together to discuss the future of Ayurveda and its role versus new advancing technologies. For more details and to register click here.

This International Conference is being hosted by the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF). The theme of the conference is:
“Roadmap for the Globalization of Ayurveda”

Please inform all your contacts in the health field about this important Ayurveda Congress—this will be a historic event for Nepal and the world.

You may also enjoy this video:

October 2020 Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni

October 2020 Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni

Healing Herbs Nepal (HHN) Office in Kathmandu, was officially inaugurated on the auspicious Murhurta 25, September, 2020.
Healing Herbs Nepal Directors, Bhupendra Nirajan and Saroj Nepal, joined by Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation Chairman, Deepak Prakash Baskota and Raja Kingsley & Leslie Brooks, joined Maharishi Vedic Pandits to bless the new office. The goal of Healing Herbs Nepal and its USA-based parent organization Global Family Farms, is to supply high-quality organic herbs spices and super foods for conscious consumers around the globe. Bhupendra and Saroj recently visited our farms in western Nepal to insure product quality and production. Enjoy these photos of our new office and Bhupendra and Saroj’s travels to our organic farms.

Remember…Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel!
Please visit:

We are happy to share this news with you—we will email again in November.
Until then our best regards and wishing you success, good health, and happiness!

September 2020 Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni

September 2020 Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni

Nepal Television Show—how Consciousness-Based education can address the missing element in today’s educational systems
On 28.August.2020, MinRaj Adhikari, Director of Consciousness-Based education for Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF), gave a 20 minute presentation explaining how Consciousness-Based education can improve any system of education. Minraj said, “In today’s world, there is no educational system that can produce wise, mature, and fulfilled citizens or a peaceful world. Students are dissatisfied, teachers are discouraged, and the public is not happy with the results. Hundreds of published reports over the past century—dozens in the last few years—have identified the failures of education but have not provided the means to assure its success. Clearly, if the knowledge available in this field is responsible for its outcomes, more profound knowledge is needed. In contrast, Consciousness-Based education focuses on the most important element of the learning process—the student. The students’ own inner intelligence and creativity is awakened twice a day through the daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique. In addition, the standard subjects are studied in light of the knowledge of the full development of consciousness and related to the students’ own life. The student is always connecting the parts of knowledge to the whole—so the students feel at home with every discipline thereby making the educational experience less stressful and more enjoyable.”
To see the full TV Show visit:

Nepal Newspapers report on the success of Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation’s Gurukul Program
Recent newspaper articles are reporting growth and vitality in the Nepal’s Gurukuls that have integrated Maharishi’s Vedic Pandit training program into their schools.

Enjoy these articles at:
Maharishi Vedic Pandits at their Gurukuls

Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel! Please visit:

We are happy to share this news with you—we will email again in October.
Until then our best regards and wishing you success, good health, and happiness!

Two-Week Online Knowledge Program for Gurukuls (Pandit school) Teachers of Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Two-Week Online Knowledge Program for Gurukuls (Pandit school) Teachers of Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Our Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC), initiated a two-week online Knowledge Program for Gurukul (Pandit school) Teachers of Transcendental Meditation (TM). Over 50 TM Teachers enjoyed an Advanced Vedic Science Course which included lectures by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on “Veda and Devatas in Human Physiology.”

Course Highlights:

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, regarded as the foremost scientist in the field of consciousness in the world, completely restored the thousands of years-old scattered Vedic Literature and organized it in the form of a complete “Science of Consciousness.”

Maharishi explained that over the past centuries the Vedic Recitations performed by the Pandits, have lost their effectiveness because the Transcendental Field of life was lost from view.

Maharishi reminded us that achieving Transcendental Consciousness or Yoga/Union is the first priority for all Pandits performing Vedic Yagyas and this is what gives the power to the Yagyas and develops Enlightenment in the Pandits.

Since the Laws of Nature or Devatas reside in the Transcendental Field of life, the Pandits must first experience the Home of the Devatas (in their own Self-referral consciousness), so the purpose of the Yagya can be fulfilled.

(For example, the Power house is there but if we do not know how to plug in the electric cord to the line to the power station, then what happens? We remain in the dark unable to find the way to reach our goal.)
August 2020 Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni

August 2020 Nepal eNews for MIU Alumni

Global Family Farms Mission and Vision—helping sustain Maharishi Vedic Pandit Program
Global Family Farms is a company founded by Drs. John and Susel Fagan, MIU Faculty, in cooperation with Nepal Maharishi Foundations, dedicated to creating economic opportunities for rural farmers through ethical, organic agriculture. Creating jobs for farmers allows them to stay home in the villages instead of being forced to work abroad. This helps keep families together and preserves local farming tradition while creating a supply of high-quality organic herbs spices and super foods for conscious consumers. Global Family Farms goes beyond fair trade. Profits shared with our partner farmers will help improve access to education, provide technical training to community groups, and ensure food security and purity. In addition, Global Family Farms provides education on organic farming and financial management as well as the Transcendental Meditation program to our partner farmers—thereby creating coherence and harmony locally and nationally.

Global Family Farms profits, plus a small contribution from each sale, will go to the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture to preserve and strengthen Nepal’s Pandit schools (Gurukuls).
For more information contact Hagen Rainbow See Nepal Yacon product on Amazon:

Monthly eNews for MIU Alumni from Nepal – July, 2020

Monthly eNews for MIU Alumni from Nepal – July, 2020

International Cooperative Day—11 July, 2020
On Saturday 11 July, Dr. Deepak Prakash Baskota spoke to 100 Leaders of Nepal’s Cooperative Movement and representatives of Nepal’s Government. The purpose of the meeting was to celebrate “International Cooperative Day” as organized by Nepal’s Cooperative Federation which has over 7 million share-holder members forming 35,000 Cooperative Societies. The aim of this celebration was to increase awareness of cooperatives. Deepak was one of eight prestigious speakers. His presentation highlighted the Vedic Principles which govern society and human existence. In addition, he introduced to the audience the Dr. John Hagelin’s seminal book, Manual for a Perfect Government. In this book, Dr. Hagelin shows how, through educational programs that develop human consciousness, and through policies and programs that effectively harness the laws of nature, it is possible to solve and to prevent acute social problems, and to profoundly enhance governmental achievements. John Hagelin Ph.D., is a world-renowned quantum physicist, educator, public policy expert, and leading proponent of peace.

See: and

Deepak Baskota in Nepal Media
On Friday, 10 July, 2020, Nepal Television aired Part 2 of a 2-Part series featuring the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF). The show can be viewed at:
Dr. Deepak Baskota, NMVF Chairman, presented NMVF’s extensive projects including the May, 2019, Vedic Science & Modern Science Conference ( The Conference featured talks by prominent leaders: Nepal President Bhandari; the Global Country of World Peace’s International Director Dr. Tony Nadar, MD, PhD; former Japan Prime Minister, Dr. Hatoyama; MIU President, Dr. John Hagelin; and many more dignitaries and luminaries.
In addition, Deepak was interviewed by Nepal’s National Prime Television where he was asked about his role in the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) which was founded in Nepal 65 years ago. Deepak worked for 20 years, since 1990, to expand and revitalize ICA—bringing international recognition to Nepal’s Cooperative Movement.

We are happy to share this news with you—we will email again in August.
Until then our best regards and wishing you success, good health, and happiness!

-Deepak Baskota, Raja Kingsley and Leslie Brooks

The July issue of Nepal E-news

The July issue of Nepal E-news

Dear Paul,

Welcome to our July Nepal E-news—featuring the awarding of an Maharishi University of Management (MUM) Doctoral Degree to Nepal National Director, Mr. Deepak Prakash Baskota.

On June 22, Deepak Baskota, former member of Parliament and Minister for Home Affairs in Nepal, was honored at the MUM Commencement Exercises and awarded an Honorary PHD for his work leading Nepal’s Transcendental Meditation organization. He is also the founder of the first cooperative organic tea plantation in the country, Kanchanjangha Tea Estate and Research Centre.

Photo 1 – Deepak Baskota accepts his Doctorate Degree from MUM President, Dr. John Hagelin, saying that this degree was the greatest honor in his life.

Photo 2 – Deepak Baskota with wife Dambar Kumari

Photo 3 – Deepak Baskota shares the stage at MUM’s Commencement with the Board of Trustees and Faculty

Photo 4 – MUM Faculty awarded degrees to 270 students from 53 different countries during their June 22, 2019 Commencement Ceremony in the Maharishi Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge

Monthly eNews for MIU Alumni from Nepal – June

Monthly eNews for MIU Alumni from Nepal – June

Nepal Television Interview with Madhav Aryal
On June 3, Nepal Television interviewed Transcendental Meditation (TM) Teacher, Madhav Prasad Aryal. The interviewer, Mahaprasad Lamichhane, asked Madhav many questions, for example: please explain TM in simple language—how is TM related to Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF)?— how much time its needed to learn TM?— on what basis do you say TM is scientific? —people need to improve their health and wellbeing and can you guarantee that TM will do this?
Madhav Aryal replied by highlighting the many scientifically verified benefits that come naturally and effortlessly from daily practice of the TM technique. Madhav explained clearly how stresses accumulate in the body and mind and it is through the deep rest of TM, through the Transcending experience, that we can repair and balance the human physiology and psychology.
Madhav’s Nepal Television interview can be viewed at:

Nepal Television showcases Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation
On Thursday, June 4 at 19:00, Nepal Television aired Part 1 of a 2-Part series featuring the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF). Dr. Deepak Baskota, NMVF Chairman, presented NMVF’s extensive projects including the May, 2019, Vedic Science & Modern Science Conference ( The Conference featured talks by prominent leaders: Nepal President Bhandari; the Global Country of World Peace’s International Director Dr. Tony Nadar, MD, PhD; former Japan Prime Minister, Dr. Hatoyama; MIU President, Dr. John Hagelin; and many more dignitaries and luminaries.

Deepak mentioned how Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had revived the eternal Knowledge of the Vedas and packaged it into many profound courses and programs that can be enjoyed by all the poeple of Nepal and bring great practical benefits to the whole country. The TV series also included interviews with Health Professional, Hagen Rainbow and Nepal International Directors, Drs. Kingsley and Leslie Brooks.
This TV show can be viewed at

Welcome to the May issue of Nepal E-news

Welcome to the May issue of Nepal E-news

Dear Paul,

Welcome to our May Nepal E-news.

On Tuesday, May 7, Nepal Foundation Chairman Deepak Baskota, organized a grand celebration on Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements. This day is one of the most important days in the Vedic Calendar. According to the Vedic texts, this was the day when the ancient Rishis (sages) performed the first yagya. This event also marked the beginning of a time when people lived happily in tune with Natural Law. The special quality of this day is expressed in the word ‘Akshaya’ which means ‘undecaying’ or ‘everlasting’. It is a most auspicious day for launching new initiatives and starting new activities..

The celebration was held at Maheshwari Sadan in Kathmandu. On this auspicious day, Chairman Deepak Baskota presented the resolutions formulated at the March 2019 Vedic Science and Modern Science conference. The audience of over 400 enjoyed hearing how those resolutions can be easily achieved to help improve all areas of life for Nepali citizens, through Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technologies, The celebration created an atmosphere of hope and positivity regarding Nepal’s future.

Many dignitaries and leaders attended this event:

From left to right: Raja Kingsley Brooks; Mr. Khil Raj Regmi, Former Prime Minister and Chief Justice; Swami Gyananda Saraswati, President of Saints Society; Chairman Deepak Baskota; Prof Dr Devmani Bhattarai, NSU Culture and Religion Department Head

Over 400 Nepalis enjoy celebrating AkshayaTritiya Day

Lady Attendees Enjoy Group Photo

Kathmandu City planners and Architects Enjoy Webinar on Vedic Approach to City Planning

Kathmandu City planners and Architects Enjoy Webinar on Vedic Approach to City Planning


Our Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) co-hosted with Nepal Institute for Urban and Regional Studies (NIURS), a Webinar entitled, “Vedic Approach to Resilient City Planning.”
Nepal City Planners, Architects, Engineers, and Students (over 40 participants) enjoyed informative and illuminating presentations by Maharishi Vastu experts, Dr. Eike Hartmann and Wojtek Skalski.

Kathmandu City planners and Architects heard how buildings, constructed according to Maharishi Vastu principles, can bring health and happiness to its residents and also protect the residents from natural calamity like fire or damaging storms.

For more information about Maharishi Vastu Architecture and City Planning visit:


Nepal Maharishi Foundations Update March-June, 2020 country-wide lockdown

Nepal Maharishi Foundations Update March-June, 2020 country-wide lockdown

Group practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique at Nepal Global Mother Divine Organization Center in Kathmandu

Group practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique at Nepal Global Mother Divine Organization Center in Kathmandu

Every Saturday morning at the Buddhanagar TM Center, Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire, Chairperson for the Nepal Global Mother Divine organization (NGMDO), invites all TM practitioners to meditate together to create increased coherence and harmony for themselves, their family, Nepal, and the world. In addition to enjoying deeper experiences of the inner silence of Pure Consciousness, the group also enjoys discussions on the profound knowledge contained in the Vedic literature. Individuals can ask questions about their TM experience to certified Teachers of the TM program.

Quotes from people who practice TM together in groups…

Shyam Krishna Subedi is one of the organizers of the weekly TM group and he commented how much people are enjoying coming together and experiencing directly the unity and harmony generated by the group practice of TM. Mr. Shyam also said that the number of participants is increasing and the positivity generated from the group meetings has inspired more people to learn TM. Mrs. Bimla Adhikari, TM Teacher and NGMDO Board member, noticed how quickly people who practice TM enjoy its benefits like better health, increased ability to manage their personal activities and work, and more positive relationships. Mr. Shyam and Mrs. Bimla collected these quotes from people who practice TM:
Mrs. Mira Thapa— “After learning Transcendental Meditation , my sleep is more deep and refreshing. My migraine headaches are almost gone—it is so inspiring for me.”
Mr. Mahendra Shrestha —“Since starting Transcendental Meditation my health has dramatically improved. I am filled with positive feelings and thinking in my TM practice and therefore enjoying my activity more.”
Ms. Suman Kunwar — “Transcendental Meditation has helped relieve my headaches. Now I feel refreshed and energized every morning after TM.”
Mrs. Nirmala Upadhyaya “My regular TM practice has reduced my headaches, balanced my blood pressure and hypersomnia. Everyday after practicing TM I feel an increase in positive thoughts. I strongly feel that every family member should practice TM to create a peaceful and harmonious environment at home. It’s very difficult for me to describe in a few words about the positive impact TM has given me in my life.”


Invitation from Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire—Director of Nepal Global Mother Divine Organization  (NGMDO)

Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire says,
“NGMDO programs offers women and girls the knowledge and practical programs for perfect health, enlightenment, and success in every area of life. Any women or girl now has the opportunity to realize their full spiritual potential—enlightenment—and enliven world peace through the nourishing power of inner bliss and coherence. This is easily achieved through the extended collective practice of Transcendental Meditation® and its advanced programs, which enrich all areas of life from their universal basis, the silent field of pure consciousness. I would like to invite all ladies and their families to come to our NGMDO Center and join the checking and group meditation session every Saturday morning.The correct practice of Transcendental Meditation ensures the awakening and rejuvenation of mental, physical, and spiritual potential of every individual. All of us at the NGMDO Center wish that abundant good fortune smile on Nepal, and may Maharishi’s great legacy of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human race.”
(NGMDO is a nonprofit educational organization.)

-Deepak Baskota, Raja Kingsley and Leslie Brooks


Deepak Baskota, National Director for
Maharishi’s programs in Nepal
Drs. Kingsley and Leslie Brooks,
International Directors for Nepal
TM Teachers interviewed by Nepal TV

TM Teachers interviewed by Nepal TV

On 31 January 2020, Madhav Aryal, Nepal Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program, was interviewed on AYO Nepal TV. Madhav was asked about the difference between meditation and Transcendental Meditation. Madhav replied:

“Meditation is like contemplation or concentration which keep the mind on the surface level— this is directly opposite to the practice of Transcendental Meditation which easily allows the mind to go inward and settle to its deepest and most quiet level of wakefulness. And when the mind dives deep inside, then our body gains profound rest which is the basis of good health. When people are calm and healthy then their behavior becomes positive.”

The Interviewer then asked Madhav how long he has been teaching TM here in Nepal. Madhav said that he has been teaching TM for 20 years and taught 10,000 people. Madhav added:

“TM is like what Lord Krishna taught to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter 2, Vs.45 – Nistraigunyo Bhavarjuna, which means to retire from the field of activity to the field of Transcendental Being. In this pure field of Being, the mind and body are refreshed and nourished so that after TM, activity can be more enjoyable and successful. The Bhagavad-Gītā presents a timeless formula for rising above the mundane problems of life to enjoy eternal freedom in higher states of consciousness.”

Madhav Aryal Interview on AYO Nepal TV

TM Teachers Minraj Adhikari and Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire interviewed by B-TV in Bhairahawa

Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire on B-TV

Minraj Adhikari on B-TV

B-TV Interview – Minraj Adhikari 

Minraj has been a Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program in Nepal for 10 years and Kalpana has been teaching TM for 20 years throughout Nepal. The interviewer asked Minraj where TM was being practiced in Kathmandu. Minraj talked about the many schools and institutions where TM is practiced twice daily—and why the technique is easy and effortless and can be learned by anyone.

Minraj also mentioned that TM was recently taught in a Nepal prison where more than 220 prisoners learned the TM technique. The prisoners reported that they are enjoying better sleep and feel less stress and anxiety. Minraj also added that many people who are not in jail are also feeling the pressure of life—so Minraj recommends to everyone to learn this profound technology for deep rest, relief from anxiety, better health, and more happiness.
Minraj also explained Maharishi’s Unified Field Chart which shows how creation at its basis is unified. The structure of the Unified Field Chart and the function of the Unified Field Chart are significant. According to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Founder of the TM program, the ultimate purpose of the Unified Field Chart is to foster the growth of higher states of consciousness. Also the Unified Field Chart can be applied to every academic discipline and any area of human life.

B-TV Interview – Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire

 Mrs. Kalpana Ghimire, Director of Nepal Global Mother Divine Program (NGMDO) talked about the GMDO programmes, based on the total knowledge of life from the ancient Vedic tradition and verified by extensive scientific research. Says Mrs. Ghimire:

“These programs allow women and girls to realize their full spiritual potential—enlightenment—and enliven world peace through the nourishing power of inner bliss and coherence. This is easily achieved through the extended collective practice of Transcendental Meditation® and its advanced programs, which enrich all areas of life from their universal basis, the silent field of pure consciousness.”

GMDO is a nonprofit educational charitable organization.

B-TV in Bhairahawa interviews
Nepal’s first school building dedicated to the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program

Nepal’s first school building dedicated to the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program

Welcome to our January, 2020 newsletter and Happy New Year!
This e-news features the completion of Nepal’s first school building dedicated to the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi program at Tilingatar Secondary School in Kathmandu.
On 29 December 2019, Principal Saroj Pandey and his school Team inaugurated their new 2000 sq.meter building for students to practice their daily TM and TM-Sidhi program including yogic flying. The festivities were attended by 1000’s of members of the community and school. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Sports, and Municipality Mayor spoke and appreciated Principal Saroj and his Team and also Deepak Baskota, Chairman of the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMVF) for its donation from International Supporters.
The TSS students provided lively entertainment and the best Yogic Flyers received awards.
TSS is one of seven schools in Nepal where the TM technique has been of great benefit to the students and teachers. A Grade 8 girl said, “I have been two years now at the school and my parents admitted me here because of the special feature of TM. I had really high temper and made a bad impression on my friends. After a few weeks of TM I feel a soothing comfort and warm inside. My life has now a different quality and the best I can describe it is that life is simple and comfortable and easy and sweet and now I can control my temper.”
This is just one of many young students who are enjoying a better life in school and at home. The goal of NMVF is that all students can benefit from the TM practice so they can enjoy a life free from problems and suffering and live in a prosperous, healthy, and happy Nepal.