Healing Herbs Nepal (HHN) Office in Kathmandu, was officially inaugurated on the auspicious Murhurta 25, September, 2020.
Healing Herbs Nepal Directors, Bhupendra Nirajan and Saroj Nepal, joined by Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation Chairman, Deepak Prakash Baskota and Raja Kingsley & Leslie Brooks, joined Maharishi Vedic Pandits to bless the new office. The goal of Healing Herbs Nepal and its USA-based parent organization Global Family Farms, is to supply high-quality organic herbs spices and super foods for conscious consumers around the globe. Bhupendra and Saroj recently visited our farms in western Nepal to insure product quality and production. Enjoy these photos of our new office and Bhupendra and Saroj’s travels to our organic farms.

Remember…Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation now has its own YouTube Channel!
Please visit: https://www.youtube.com/c/NepalMaharishiFoundation

We are happy to share this news with you—we will email again in November.
Until then our best regards and wishing you success, good health, and happiness!