Mr. Deepak Prakash Baskota, Nepal National Director, awarded honorary Doctoral Degree, Maharishi University of Management

Mr. Deepak Prakash Baskota, Nepal National Director, awarded honorary Doctoral Degree, Maharishi University of Management

On June 22, Deepak Baskota, former member of Parliament and Minister for Home Affairs in Nepal, was honored at the MUM Commencement Exercises and awarded an Honorary PHD for his work leading Nepal’s Transcendental Meditation organization. He is also the founder of the first cooperative organic tea plantation in the country, Kanchanjangha Tea Estate and Research Centre.

Photo 1 – Deepak Baskota accepts his Doctorate Degree from MUM President, Dr. John Hagelin, saying that this degree was the greatest honor in his life.

Photo 2 – Deepak Baskota with wife Dambar Kumari

Photo 3 – Deepak Baskota shares the stage at MUM’s Commencement with the Board of Trustees and Faculty

Photo 4 – MUM Faculty awarded degrees to 270 students from 53 different countries during their June 22, 2019 Commencement Ceremony in the Maharishi Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge