Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements

Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements

On Tuesday, May 7, Nepal Foundation Chairman Deepak Baskota, organized a grand celebration on Akshaya Tritiya, the Day of Lasting Achievements. This day is one of the most important days in the Vedic Calendar. According to the Vedic texts, this was the day when the ancient Rishis (sages) performed the first yagya. This event also marked the beginning of a time when people lived happily in tune with Natural Law. The special quality of this day is expressed in the word ‘Akshaya’ which means ‘undecaying’ or ‘everlasting’. It is a most auspicious day for launching new initiatives and starting new activities..
The celebration was held at Maheshwari Sadan in Kathmandu. On this auspicious day, Chairman Deepak Baskota presented the resolutions formulated at the March 2019 Vedic Science and Modern Science conference. The audience of over 400 enjoyed hearing how those resolutions can be easily achieved to help improve all areas of life for Nepali citizens, through Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technologies, The celebration created an atmosphere of hope and positivity regarding Nepal’s future.
Many dignitaries and leaders attended this event:
From left to right: Raja Kingsley Brooks; Mr. Khil Raj Regmi, Former Prime Minister and Chief Justice; Swami Gyananda Saraswati, President of Saints Society; Chairman Deepak Baskota; Prof Dr Devmani Bhattarai, NSU Culture and Religion Department Head
Over 400 Nepalis enjoy celebrating Akshaya Tritiya Day
Lady Attendees Enjoy Group Photo