Featuring the Maharishi Sandesh Magazine

Featuring the Maharishi Sandesh Magazine

There have been many positive and evolutionary Maharishi Foundation activities and achievements over the years so our Foundation Chairman, Deepak Baskota, created a quarterly News Magazine to inform Nepalese people about the Foundation’s work.

Past Issues Of Maharishi Sandesh Magazine
In 2013, Mr. Gopal Mainali began working on the News Magazine. Two years later Mr. Bharat Poudel, Chief Editor, and Mr. Upendra Prasad Nepal, Co-Editor, carried on the work by documenting the Foundation’s activities and interviewing prominent Nepalis and International Experts. The goal of the News Magazine is to inform Nepalis that through the most advanced technologies of consciousness (based on the Vedas), they can unfold their inner potential, improve their health, reduce stress, and relieve their anxieties. These technologies, revived in their completeness by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, have not been available to mankind for thousands of years.
Mr. Bharat Poudel, Chief Editor
Mr. Upendra Prasad Nepal,
Assistant Editor
If you or any members of your family would like a copy of Maharishi Sandesh News Magazine or if you have any questions, please email Mr. Upendra Nepal at upendra.nepal@gmail.com. Soon we hope to make our Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation news magazine available online.

Chairman Deepak Baskota with Upendra planning the next issue of Maharishi Sandesh News Magazine